Productivity Plus
March 5, 2018
Your Gateway To Success
March 9, 2018Prosperity Pursuit
Those who truly want to attain a financially free mindset, have only to set their minds on it, and acquire the proper means, as they do in relation to any other aim which they want to achieve, and it can be easily done. But however simple it might be to make revenue, I have no doubt many will agree it's the hardest thing in the world to hold on to it. It consists merely in spending less than we bring in; that appears to be a really simple issue. A lot of my readers might say, “we comprehend this: this is mindset, and we know mindset is wealth; we know we can’t eat our cake and have it as well. Yet maybe more cases of failure arise from errors on this point than almost any other. The reality is, many individuals think they understand mindset when they really don't.
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