Ice Hockey: The Game
December 19, 2009
Interview Techniques
December 20, 2009In order to get the perfect job you have to first pass the interview process and get to the hiring manager. That means you have to know how to conduct yourself at the interview in order to even pass the first stage. There are some places that will hire you directly without going through the hiring manager but you still have to pass the interview process to be hired. Many people just go to an interview and have no idea what they need to do or how to conduct oneself and end up losing the job because of it. One of the places many people go wrong at interviews is not having a clue about the company or the position. Not all companies ask that question but you have to be prepared. It makes you look foolish if you don't know anything about the company. They assume if you want to work for them you will take the time to find something out about the company. You do not have to know a great deal, but you should at least know what the company does and the types of products or services they provide.
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