I Don’t Remember!
January 19, 2011
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January 19, 2011No book on herbs would be complete without looking at some of the herbal remedies which are being used today. Many people are finding traditional medicines less favorable to the herbal remedies being offered. There are fewer allergic reactions. Herbal medicines have fewer, if any, side affects. There are even some doctors who are prescribing herbal remedies when other medications just are not working.
There is a strong warning which goes with this information. This information is for general reading and knowledge only. This is in no way presented as medical fact. Under no circumstances should any person add any of the herbal remedies described in this chapter into their diet without first consulting their physician. Women who are pregnant or nursing and small children should never use any type of herbal remedies unless specifically prescribed by their doctor.
There are all types of old wives tales about herbs that cured coughs and colds. Some people will talk about Grandma's tonic that cured what ailed them. These are the herbal remedies that many people still use today. Things like jewel weed to help relieve poison ivy or rose hips to add vitamin C are simple remedies that have been used for years.
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