Skiing Review Site
November 5, 2010
Dating Articles
November 6, 2010I'm sure you've heard this before, the money is in the list. All the internet marketers say this over and over again, and it's true. Money IS in the list, and one of the best ways to build a list is by using squeeze pages...
... which in case you don't know are basically simple and short pages with a free offer for a person to opt-in to a list to get a free gift, in return for their name and email. The only action a person can take on a squeeze page is to submit their email to get the free gift, or leave the site. And if you set these pages are properly, and drive targeted traffic to them, they can build you a big list fast.
Squeeze pages are great, but many people have problems with either poor opt-in rates on their squeeze pages, or with actually setting up a squeeze page and the tech work behind it. Most people are not designers, are not tech wizards, and just don't like doing all these little things. But I'm sure everyone would love to have high opt-in rates and big lists.
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