Niche Marketing Profits
January 11, 2010
Simple Affiliate Secrets
January 11, 2010Saving Your Marriage and Develop a Lifelong Love!
Save Your Marriage And Develop A Lifelong Love! will give you the answers that you need! It's free of pop jargon, and does not take a psychological slant to the issues. You will read about problems and learn about solutions in basic, average language which is meant for an average married adult-- just like you! Focuses on resolving problems, rather than the modern slant of placing blame. This book is not about pointing out who is in the wrong or who has made mistakes-- it is about resolving what is negative in your marriage and building on what is positive! Does not focus on one specific area, but covers the scope of problems which are universal to marriages everywhere. It also takes into consideration that you and your spouse are individuals, and encourages you to approach each topic from an individual viewpoint. You will find a wealth of valuable information in this one small book! It is, without a doubt, the one book you need! Whether you have been married for a short period of time, or a number of decades; whether you have been facing serious difficulties or merely wish to improve your marriage, this book is for you!
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