The Health Zen
May 14, 2011Master File A Business Owner Speaks Out
May 15, 2011Learn to Play Piano
Why is learning to play the piano such a chore? It seems that people who take lessons work and work but take years to learn to play anything interesting or enjoyable. They are always unhappy about their lessons. People who take lessons sometimes even hate their teachers because they feel ashamed of their playing. The teacher may or may not intentionally make the student feel bad, but the fact remains that you lose interest if you never feel any satisfaction.
Teachers also alienate their students by asking them to play music that is either too hard or worse yet, too easy. Without a challenge, there is little point in trying to learn anything. Teachers might pile on too much work for the student to practice on at home, or not give the student a clue as to what to work on. Finding a good teacher can be extremely difficult.