Proven Dating Secrets
December 16, 2010
Offline Assassin
December 16, 2010Joint Venture Newbies
If you are anything like me, your primary objective online is to make as much money as you can in as little time possible.
You don't want to spend hours upon hours posting advertisements on classified websites, promoting your website with painfully slow methods nor do you want to leave money on the table simply because you hadn't thought of a way to maximize your online campaigns.
The Success Strategy Of The Stars
You have undoubtedly heard about the astonishing profit potential from Joint Venture partnerships and you want in on the action. After all, it's been said that the fastest way to develop an online presence, establish a credible reputation and beef up your bottom line is by networking with those who have already carved out their names online and who know how to wring every last dime out of their marketing efforts.
These guys (and girls) don't play around. When it comes to promoting online they know exactly how to set up a campaign that is guaranteed to be successful, because like you, they know that time really does mean money.
The problem is, most new marketers or product developers have no idea how to approach a prospective JV partner, much less set up a deal or manage an offer effectively. Worse, there are many so called gurus that won't even consider running a JV campaign with a newbie. After all, why would they bother working with a no-name when all they have to do is send out an email to their list and make a few hundred thousand overnight?