Your Extensive Guide to Blogging for Profit
January 17, 2011
Football Blog Templates
January 17, 2011Find Targetted Domain Names
I know there are a lot of successful domain investors who are using their targeted domain names for lead gen, and I am thinking about trying it. Instead of selling a key domain name or spending time and effort building the site fully, I could reach out to one of the main companies in the field and work out a deal for the leads my site brings. Depending on the typical CPA, this could be very beneficial to both parties, and if successful, could actually lead to the domain sale.
The general premise is that I would take one of my exact match domain names where people are looking to buy an expensive product (probably a custom product or financial product), and I would do a one page website with general information about the product for SEO purposes and have a well-placed information request form. For those who aren't adept at web development, Wufoo is a website that allows people to create custom forms, and I think it would work well for this type of project.
What got me thinking about this was that for the bike tour in which I participated, the Ronald McDonald House provided its riders with custom Team Ronald technical bike shirts. I was thinking that the RMDH organizer probably did a Google search for custom bike shirts or something like that in order to find a company that made the shirts. If I owned CustomBikeShirts.com and they requested more information for 25 bike shirts (cost of around $2,000), it would be a nice commission check for just sending the lead to a shirt company.