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October 5, 2010
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October 6, 2010Curing Premenstrual Tension Naturally
Is Moodiness, Pain and Bloating Paralyzing Your Life In the Days Leading Up to Your Period?
Just what is premenstrual tension (also known as PMS) anyway and why does it cause most women so much misery?
For most women who suffer PMS, the condition usually sets in between seven and fourteen days before the beginning of their period, although for some women who suffer severe PMS, the condition can become one that is almost permanent, with symptoms being present before, during and after menstruation.
This physical disruption is very distressing for most women. Some females who experience it only have mild symptoms but others are simply overwhelmed by anxiety, pain and mood swings. Just getting through the lead up to getting one's period can feel like an uphill battle that must be fought every day!
Furthermore, because many women find it difficult to concentrate and focus on what they are supposed to be doing, work performance often suffers and they are considerably more likely to suffer accidents when suffering the worst of PMS.