Michel Fortin Brain Dump
December 20, 2009
Becoming The Perfect Chef
December 20, 2009Building Your Opt-In List!
In the wide wide world of Internet marketing every guru worth his salt will tell you the building your opt-in list is not only an important part of successful Internet marketing but that it is the one of the most vital parts. I wish I could tell you that building an opt-in list is quick and easy. Unfortunately, that would be a bald faced lie. The top Internet marketers have lists that number in the 10s of thousands and some have lists that number in the 100s of thousands. They didnt build those lists overnight. They built them one subscriber at the time and that is the same way that you will have to build your own opt-in list. Internet marketing is a whole different animal than brick and mortar marketing. Some of the same rules apply, of course, but the methods are different. Out in the real world, marketers can rely on foot traffic. Foot traffic never happens on the Internet. A buyer isnt going to just accidentally stumble across your website, come in and buy from you.
[NO] Include sales page
[YES] May sell master resell rights
[YES] May be offered as a bonus
[YES] May be added to paid membership sites
[YES] May be packaged
[NO] May be given away free
[NO] May sell private label rights
[NO] Sell the individual products at any online auctions